
Archive for September, 2012


I have found myself unable to sleep tonight. I was so excited today because we had one piece of our journey ok’d and will be on its way for another ok tomorrow. Of course, this is probably a step that should have been done after several others, but that’s how our life seems to go. We do things backwards. Never seems to be in the correct order for us. Kind of looks like we skirt the system but really we don’t. It just so happens that we are able to jump in at whatever point and often have to back track a bunch. It’s never on purpose. Honest! It’s just where people say to us,”Get this into us” or “go here and we’ll take care of the rest later.” kind of things. So, that is really exciting for us. I know, this is still super cryptic! Not meaning for it to be, but until some paperwork is done, well, this is the way it must be. I’m hoping that K will finally have time to go with me to get all of the first parts of our paperwork notarized so it can all be turned in with fees. I’m ready! Then we can move on to the really big stuff and introduce our sweetness to ya!

I’m also excited about a mom I’ve “met” adopting from the same country as us! This is such a blessing to be able to watch her family travel the road we are headed down. Oh! I know it most likely won’t be the same but she will at least be able to give me some pointers on how to handle it all. They leave soon for their precious someone. So excited for them. Just thinking about it makes my heart leap! It really does.

I have to say, I thought to myself today, “Wow, satan’s really backed off of us. I guess we aren’t that big of a threat to him right now.”. No sooner did I think that, within an hour maybe, the arrows started flying. I got discouraged, still am a bit, but knowing who holds all of this stuff in his hands. I’m starting to worry about things I can’t change. Timing is the biggest one. I have to trust that God is doing all of this for our good and that it won’t matter in the long run. Sure, I’d like to not to have several things on my plate, but they are and that’s where they will stay until God deems it fit to remove them. All we can do is pray. So I pray. And I praise! God is good all of the time. He’s refining this messed up human by leaps and bounds. Of course, I keep getting in the way and messing it up again. Not really a great team mate am I?

I’ve been pondering this for awhile now and haven’t really come to a conclusion do I’m going to out it out there to see if anyone can give me an opinion or even some revelation. Why was Jesus’s first miracle at the wedding in Canaan and then there are so many references from that point on about weddings, bride, bridegroom, etc.. all the way through to Revelations? now that I’ve written this out, it’ll probably hit me square between the eyes. But I’m still interested in what y’all have to say. That’s just one of the things going through my head.

Here’s some things I’m grateful for tonight : ladybug chairs, blue eyed boys, cleaning the kitchen floor several times today, little boys who talk nonstop, little boys who ask a million questions, a little boy who crawls into bed for safety at night, for the colors of the rainbows, for answered prayers, for goodnight kisses, morning hugs, for opportunities to be a blessing, for conviction of heart, for taking thoughts captive, for not saying anything when there’s nothing nice to say, for the ability to choose to be happy, for encouraging words, for longtime friendships, for grumpy old men and women, for newborn cries, for windy nights, for sweltering days, for the ability to mourn, to love with passion, to speak for those who cannot speak for themselves

Good night. May the God of glory rest you well. May he fill each room of your home so full of his presence that it’s overflowing and overwhelming.


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Wife duty

Oh my goodness how life has been moving at the speed of light since we got here. I feel exhausted! Overwhelmed at times and yet nothing seems to be getting done. I’m still trying to get the house put together but because reimbursements had been delayed, purchasing things to replace the broken had been put on hold. So, boxes sat because I had no place to put the contents. Still have some that are not empty because I don’t know where to put them or things arent coming together like I’d hoped. That is just getting on my nerves! I think I am developing OCD in my old age. Things out of place just seem to get to me a bit more easily than they did a year ago. I have put up all but three curtain rods with curtains. I managed to put up a total of five things on the walls. There’s a LOT of space here but things don’t quite fit the way they have other places. So, it’s taking a bit longer on the picture hanging.

I don’t feel like we’ve even had a chance to catch our breath. From the day we moved in, life is on the go.

A couple of weeks ago was my first official military wife duty in a very long time. It was a meeting to inform families of the goings on. Nothing big. Nothing exciting. It was almost one of those moments of,”Why am I here?” Don’t get me wrong. It had purpose and it served it’s purpose. But some moments just beckon the why question. That was one. Then a couple of days later was another one of those military wife duty events. It was a luncheon and a posting ceremony. This one I actually enjoyed though I was a bit nervous about it. With new rank comes new responsibilities and when you’ve been out of the game for awhile, well… Then another luncheon. Now the invites are coming for things like book clubs and bunco parties and things I just don’t normally do but are expected. So, I’m learning how to gracefully bow out when it’s all too much. And it’s all too much right now.

I’ve also started back in the four year old class at church. Not sure what I was thinking on that one! Between 20-28 kids! Two adults and one teen helper! They are awesome but WOW! I have seen God’s hand in it though. There is a sweet little girl in this class that has stolen my heart. The cuddliest little angel sent from heaven. She’s nonverbal which is what our littlest guy is. You see, God knew my heart needed some encouragement in this area. I’ve been so nervous about what could be that he sent this angel to help me learn that its all going to be ok. We communicate fabulously. We as a family will learn not nly his native tongue to help with transition but also how to sign so we can understand him (and her) though he will understand us verbally.

I have found myself longing for this promised child. It’s so weird to me. Don’t understand it at all. I don’t feel panicked to move to fast, wanting to enjoy every step, yet, hating that he has to spend one more day away from brothers and sisters who want to teach him and a mom and dad who want to KNOW that all is ok in his world. To love on him unconditionally and with every part of our being. We have been blessed with news that our formal letter to be matched which needs to be sent to his government has been sent to our facilitator in country to see if there is anything that needs to be added, clarified, or rewritten before being submitted for an official match. That’s good news for us. We also know that there is at least one family traveling soon to his country to bring home their child. So excited. I cried when I heard that. Don’t know the family. Don’t know anything about them but this info and I cried like a baby when I heard the news. Lol. Can’t blame this on hormonal imbalance due to pregnancy.

Anyway, fundraising continues. That has gone well until now. We are at a bit of a stand still. We have 8 of the Rebekah Blocher necklaces left from round two. Still selling the trivets and coaster sets. Trying to get myself to pull out my sewing machine to start on those things. I’m procrastinating on that until I have the rest of my curtains up and a few more things on my walls before I do. I know that sounds strange but if I don’t, I won’t get my house looking like a home and we need that as a family. Once I start sewing, I don’t usually stop for much. Schooling the kids, fixing dinner and sleep are about it all I will stop for once I begin. Late hours and not much sleep during those days. You see, I won’t stop until I can get our boy home. “A” needs to come home. That’s all there is to it.

We would appreciate your prayers for several things. The biggest is the sale of our home in Texas. We would really like to see that one gone from our plate. Two, for our littlest guy- protection, his heart to be prepared for us when we finally get there. Three, for us to be able to fly through our homestudy, and all the paperwork, etc… That comes with adopting. And of course for finances. God is good! We trust him in all things. He has this we know. I’m just telling these mountains, it’s time for them to crumble and be tossed into the sea.

Have a great night! May God rest you as you wait on him for answered prayers.

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Button update

My apologies for not posting the last several days.  Spent some time with my family on Saturday going hiking then stuff around the house.  I’ll write about that later.  Trying to do some stuff around here this labor day since I gave the kids a day off from school.  🙂

Do have a quick update.  Apparently there have been several people who have tried to donate through the chipin on the STWTHE blog and it wasn’t working.  Well, after a couple of attempts to fix it, I just made it a donate button instead with out the counter.  So, hopefully that fixed it.  Thank you to those of you who brought it to my attention.  Not sure what is going.  Ok, yes I do.  Our little guy needs to come home and satan doesn’t want him home.  But my God is bigger and he stomps on his head every chance he gets.  🙂

Have a blessed labor day!!!  May it be filled with lots of love and fun.

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